This is the kind of writer I want to be:

When I was a kid and teenager, I loved to read. Obviously I didn’t enjoy all the school assigned reading, but I loved to read fantasy and romance and all the seemingly unattainable things of my youth.

But getting married young, having special needs kids, and attempting to find my career path; I managed to forget that I enjoyed reading. There were WAY too many things that needed my attention and money: changing diapers, therapies, work, sleep, actual clothes (not pajamas) and the occasional date with my husband.

Then one day, in my later twenties, I picked up a book y’all may have heard of . . . Twilight. Suddenly, my mind and imagination sparked in a way it hadn’t in years, and I remembered I loved to read. How much I’d missed the magic, escape, and all the imaginary worlds beyond this one.

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the kind of writer/storyteller I want to be. Who is my ideal reader? Who do I want to focus my marketing towards? Who are the people who I want to actually read The Door Keeper?

A couple days ago, I texted with a friend who had just finished the book on her vacation, and she said something that affirmed my answer. She said, “Yea, it makes me want to keep reading too . . . I kinda fell off the reading band wagon but I’m back on . . . It’s so good for your soul.”

Jordan is mom with two kids, a husband, and a career she enjoys. She is busy juggling a lot, but on a vacation, she read The Door Keeper and it reminded her how much she enjoyed reading.

I want this series to be that kind of series. I want to be that kind of author.

I want to be that fun, easy, whimsical read that reminds you how good it feels to pick up and get lost a book. How wonderful it is to be taken on an adventure outside of your own life, and explore other worlds. I want to reignite the imagination we had when we were younger, before real life overwhelmed us with chores, obligations, and work.

That is who I want to read this story. That is who I want to write for. Do you know someone like that? Are you them? Well, then THIS was written for you.

Please share this post with your friends and if you’ve read the book already, give it to a friend to borrow who may need reminding they love to read.

Help me spark our imaginations, reengage our minds, and reignite our passion for reading, because Jordan is right: It’s good for the soul.